About Help...

Click on the Help button in the upper left hand corner of each page at any time while using our site.  When you're ready to exit from this Help page, select the Back button on your browser or choose a new page from the menu bar.


We believe in the three-click rule. You should be able to find anything within three clicks. Sometimes we do it in two clicks. We have designed the site to make it easy for you to find language information. Our basic page layout is as follows:

 BL  Ad banner
SN  Navigation bar

Main Window


BL Basic Links (Help, Feedback, Legal Notice, Search)
Ad Banner No frantic monkeys on our site!
SN Section name
Navigation bar Home, Products, World Links, Language/Travel Library, Tech Support, Customer service
LF Left Frame (contains standard links for a section)
Main Window  Displays selected content.  Also referred to as a "page".

Destinations: If you want information about what languages are spoken at a specific destination, go to the World Links section. Then select the city or place (country, island, territory) you are interested in from the appropriate A-Z Search bar shown on the page.

Languages: If you are interested in a specific language, go to the World Links page and select Languages. Then choose a language from the scroll list.  You can chose from our short list of 50 popular or prevalent languages or All the languages we list which is around 250. You can also click on the first letter of the language name in the A-Z Search bar shown on the page.  If you want an overview of what's available for languages on the web and some direct links to popular language information, go to the Language/Travel Library section and select Languages.
We have cross-linked cities, places and languages so it is easy to jump between them.
Language Topics: Language Topics are in our Language/Travel Library. The first page of the Language Topics section is an index of all the topics.

General Rules
1. When you click on a link to another website, it is opened in a new browser window for you.
2. We will usually take you to the page at the other site with the information you want. If we can't, we drop you off as close as possible.  In many cases, we also link you to the site's home page.
3. We integrate information on a language on a single page. For example, if there is a site with a radio station in French, we put a link right on the French page to the other site.
4. We tell you what section you are in by displaying the Section name in the left, top frame of each page except for the home page. There is also a Main Navigation bar underneath the banner ad at the top of each page.
5. We have a separate page for each language and language topic.

Getting Started ...

  • If you are new to using the web to find specific language information, go to our Online Language Primer.
  • Choose Products to see our selection of pocket-sized language information products.
  • Choose World Links to quickly go to a list of places in the world to find the languages spoken there.
    To reduce load time, we have divided languages into two lists. The default is the 50 List that includes the most popular or interesting ones. You can Select All to get the full list and then reselect the 50 List again if you want to. We list all the countries and capital cities of the world with their associated languages.  We have about 300 languages in our data base currently.   Besides external links to other web sites, each Language page lists the places where the language is widely spoken.
    Toolbars. We have toolbars for 50 of the most popular or widely spoken languages of the world so you are only one click away from basic information.  Each toolbar has a Toolbar Help button.  The Toolbar Help page explains the information on a toolbar. Clicking the word Help will open the Toolbar Help page in a separate browser window so you can minimize it and refer to it when you need to. Clicking the Help icon will open the Toolbar Help in the same frame you are in.  Use this option if you just want to check something quickly. To go to a Toolbar's Help page from here, just click one of the following:  Language Toolbar

    Here is an explanation of the World Links Quick Reference buttons (EarthView, SpaceView, Webcams, Time) that are present in the Left Frame under the Select window of all World Links pages.
  • Choose Language Library to go to the Language Topics directory.
  • Choose Technical Support to go to information about how we can help you with technical problems either using the web site or one of our products.
  • Choose Customer Service to go to information about how we can help you with ordering or solving other problems for you or just answering a question.

Viewing Problems

Best Viewing
Our site is best viewed with Netscape Communicator 4.0, Internet Explorer 4.0, and AOL 4.0 or higher that supports frames and JavaScript. The display resolution should be set to 800 by 600 if your monitor supports that resolution setting and the browser font should not be set to large.  We do not have a text-only version of our site.

Display Resolution and Colors

  • Our site is best viewed at 800 by 600 or 1024 by 768 display resolution and with 16-bit color or greater selected. (Try to use better than 256-colors).

    To Change Display Resolution
    95/98/NT/ME/2000/XP. Click the Start button and go up to the Settings option. Select Control Panel and in the Control Panel window, double-click to open the Display panel.  Then select the Settings tab. On this tab, find the Desktop Area parameter. Put your mouse cursor on the slider notch and hold down the left mouse button as you slide the notch left or right until the desired new display setting appears. Then click either Test (if you want to test the new setting first) or OK. If you click OK, another message will come up. Click OK to apply the new setting. Your monitor should then change to the new setting.
  • Macintosh. Under the Apple menu, Select Control Panels and Monitors. When the Monitors windows appears, click the options button. if you have more than one resolution choice, they will be listed. Click the resolution you want.
  • To Change Color Resolution
    Windows 95/98/NT/ME/XP. Click the Start button and go up to the Settings option. Select Control Panel and in the Control Panel window, double-click to open the Display panel.  Then select the Settings tab. On this tab, find the Color Palette parameter. Put your mouse cursor on the down arrow button then select a new color resolution. Then click either Test (if you want to test the new setting first) or OK. If you click OK, another message will come up. Click OK to apply the new setting. Your monitor should then change to the new setting.
  • Macintosh. Under the Apple menu, Select Control Panels and Monitors. When the Monitors windows appears, click the color resolution desired in the displayed scroll window. Close the window.

Font or Text Problems

If you experience problems with viewing text or tables,  try changing the font or text size in your browser's preferences.

To change the font or text size in Netscape:

  • Pull down the Options menu and choose General Preferences.
  • Click the Fonts tab and then select Choose Font.
  • Click on the text size you want and then select OK.

To change the font or text size in Internet Explorer:

  • Pull down the View menu and slide your mouse down to Fonts.
  • Click the Font size you want from the list.

About Browser Windows

A new browser window will be opened if you jump to another site from within the main window on one of our pages. If you expand the new browser window to cover the whole screen, you can get back to our page as follows:

Windows 95/98/NT/ME/2000/XP
:  either click the "X" in the upper right-hand corner of window you have active or click the appropriate window page in the status bar at the bottom of the Windows display. If you click the "X", you will close the browser window. If you re-select our page from the bottom panel, the previous browser window will still be open but be behind our window now. You can get to it again, by clicking on its name in the status bar at the bottom of the Windows display.

Click the square in the upper right hand corner of the active window to close this browser window or go to the programs icon in the upper right-hand corner of the Macintosh status bar and click on it and then select our browser window again.

You can have many browser windows open at one time.

Order Help

  • Need Cookies Enabled.  If you do not have cookies enabled, you will get an error message when you try to place an item in the shopping cart. We don't particularly like cookies either, especially when they are used for marketing and other purposes besides just completing an online order!  All we use the cookie for is to let you place and complete your online order. We do not save the cookie information for marketing or other purposes.  We respect your privacy.  If you have IE 4.0 or greater, you can enable cookies just for your current computer session so they are not saved once you turn off your computer.  Or you can enable cookies to be on all the time.  You can delete cookies at any time through your browser interface.
    • Internet Explorer 4.0+  Go to the Tools/Internet Options window and click on the Security tab.  Click on the Custom Level button.  Scroll down to the Cookies menu option and make your selection. Click OK buttons until you are back to the regular browser window.  Click on the Product Catalog link to begin a new shopping cart session.
    • Netscape Browser 4.0+   From the Edit menu, choose Preferences. From the Category heading, double-click Advanced. Select Accept all Cookies by clicking in the radio button. Click OK. Click on the Product Catalog link to begin a new shopping cart session.
  • Credit Card number.  If your credit card number is not accepted, you may have made a mistake in entering it. Do not include any spaces between groups of numbers even though there are spaces between groups on your card.  Compare what you entered carefully to your card.
  • Expiration Date.  Re-verify your expiration date and make your you followed the format shown.
  • Download Problems. If the download of a Pocket Module is interrupted, such as losing your Internet connection, go to the Download Problem page and enter your email address and order number.  You will be allowed to try the download again.  If you ordered more than one download product, please re-download only the product that was unsuccessfully downloaded.
  • If you have other problems, please contact your credit card company to determine the problem. We will also try to help you during normal business hours.