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Language Resources

There are a variety of resources available on the web to help people learn to speak another language. All the way from free online lessons to sites that have extensive
lists and links to free and commercial products, services and organizations related to the language.

If you want some advice on learning a language, especially if you are a traveler who does not want to become fluent in a language, see our Language Primer.  
If you want to see what languages are spoken in a country, or to jump to sites for a specific language, click here to go to our handy World Links-Languages section.

We also have a Languages topic that covers interesting facts about languages and useful links to language-related subjects such as how to display foreign fonts in your browser.

If you know of another site we should include, please send an email to the Webmaster using our Feedback form.


About.com Top
They are an excellent source of foreign language information.  They have links to on-line lessons in French, German, Spanish, Japanese, Mandarin Chinese and English as a Second Language (ESL).  They also have comprehensive links to chat rooms and other language resources.
African Language Resources Top
A good list of major African languages with associated links. 
Foreign Language Resources on the Web Top
Their list is one of the most comprehensive on the net. It is an excellent starting point to find a language or cultural resources for one. This is a quality index where they have attempted to include only the best foreign language sites out of the thousands that exist.  (To Americans who speak English, a foreign language is a language other than English.)  This site is maintained by the UC Berkeley Instructional Technology Program.
Jennifer's Language Page Top
This is a wonderful site where you can quickly find some basic phrases in hundreds of languages with a transliteration of each one (e.g., Good morning in Swahili - Kiswahili - is shown as "Habari za asubuhi". )  She also has excellent links to other language resources on the web.  Ms. Runner is a high school teacher.  She keeps her site up to date and is always adding new languages.
Languages On The Web Top
This is the best site we have found for quality links to a large number of languages.
LingNet Top
LingNet is dedicated to supporting the members of the Foreign Language Community in their language learning efforts.  LingNet is hosted at the Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center (DLIFLC) in Monterey, California.
Links 2 Go: Languages Top
Good links to language and linguistic web sites in a nicely laid out diagram structure. 
Little Explorers™ (Languages for Children) Top
This is language learning for children with a picture dictionary in various languages.
Word2Word Top
Word2Word has contains the content of what was once the Rivendell site with extensive coverage of language resources.
Summer Institute of Linguistics Top
The Summer Institute of Linguistics (SIL) is the place to go for people who have a passion for languages. Although primarily designed for linguistic professionals, it has a section called Ethnologue - Languages of the World that not only lists every language spoken in a country, but how many people speak it, where it is spoken and other detailed information.  Even Microsoft® Expedia™ links to them!
iLoveLanguages Top
This site contains over 1,800 links to languages of the world. It has extensive categories you can chose from and is the most comprehensive collection of links to language information there is on the web.
Language Index.


This site is maintained by the University of Sussex and has excellent links to sites for languages of the world.
LCTL Project Top
The Less Commonly Taught languages (LCTL) Project is one of a number of projects which operates under the auspices of the University of Minnesota - Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA). Their project definition of less commonly taught languages includes all of the world's languages except English, French, German, and Spanish. The project's goals are to help advance the teaching and learning of LCTLs.
Native American Languages


Here are some web sites for learning Native American languages.

Tanquay.info- Language Teaching


An interesting site with Internet Tips for Teachers of different languages and a good source for people who want to learn a language.
The Web of Culture™: Languages Top
The Web of Culture™ Languages of the World Section provides a good introduction to many languages. Besides links to language resources, they also have a few common words in many different languages.
Tower of Babel-Language Center Top
They have a nice alphabetical list of languages and links to resources.
TravLang: Foreign Languages For Travelers


This site contains text and sound files for over 60 different languages including this language which you can learn on-line for free. It also has links to other language sites.
UCLA Language Materials Project


This beautiful and comprehensive site has learning resources for less commonly taught languages of the world.  They also have language profiles that include maps showing in which parts of a country a language is spoken.

Yamada WWW Language Guides


A nice alphabetical list of languages and WWW resources. They also cover Usenet new groups in different languages.
YourDictionary.com-Grammar and Language Courses


A nice alphabetical list of online language lessons, grammar, newspaper, radio/TV and dictionary resources.
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